How I work


I am a Life Designer. And I’m very interested in brain science and how people tick. I love helping others to become clearer and more confident by understanding themselves better. My training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) along with 28 years of coaching and a lifetime of personal and business experience, form the foundation for my work with individuals and as a Small Business Mentor.

I’m lucky to work with a broad range of people in a variety of fields and in a number of countries. There are writers; designers; journalists; editors, artists and communicators of many kinds; technology experts; producers; directors; owner/operators; retailers; architects; therapists; psychologists; engineers and a whole raft of entrepreneurs working to transform the world.

Many come to work with me through a specific challenge or crisis and some with a sense that change is needed but without the clarity of what that change needs to be. Many are at a career cross roads or transitioning out of an existing role or lifestyle and wanting to explore various employment and life options. Everyone benefits from learning how to negotiate more effectively for what they want.

Listen to me on GIRT, a podcast by Monique Woodward & Nic Brunsdon.

Listen to me on Jacky Winter Gives You The Business (podcast).